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Before enlightenment chop wood, carry water; after enlightenment chop wood, carry water

This is one of my favourite Zen Koans. Koans are little poems or phrases that Zen uses to provoke thought and discussion.

There are many interpretations of this koan and you may well have your own. For me, it’s all about reframing and it’s powerful. It has helped me in lock down a lot. Any situation or task can be reframed. What can feel difficult or unpleasant can be reframed to be easy and pleasant. Let me give you an example. Cleaning. Through lock down I’ve been cleaning the house. Normally I’m out of the house too much and so we entrust this task to Estera but she is back in Romania for lockdown staying with her family.

I can’t say that I was looking forward to spending hours cleaning on a weekend but thanks to this koan I am enjoying it. I have chosen to reframe the tasks focusing on the things I like. Firstly, it’s a manual task which given I spend most of my time thinking is a great break. It’s solitary, I don’t have to speak with anyone, negotiate anything, plan anything - I can just get on and do. It lasts all week - I can see the impact that I’ve made around the house and that pleases me. Finally it makes mine and Elizabeth’s lives better and I get a good deal of satisfaction from this.

This koan has helped me find joy in these small, mundane tasks. Before enlightenment cleaning, after enlightenment cleaning.

What seemingly difficult, negative, trying situations can you reframe?