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Survey shows those with profit and power fail at trustThe picture of who we trust is relatively stable. Over the 16 years between 1993 and 2009 Ipsos MORI in its ‘Trust in Doctor: Annual Survey of public trust in professions (2009)’ measured a 22% decrease in the trust held in business leaders and a 10% decline in the trust held in politicians. Even the trust ascribed to the ordinary man or woman in the street saw a 16% fall.Generally the ‘altruistic’ professions, such as doctors, nurses or teachers are more trusted than commercial or ‘power driven’ professions, such as business people or politicians. When those being trusted are not out to gain something for themselves, such as profit or power, we find it much easier to trust.For the complete guide on how to create trust in your businesses and brands get your copy of Why Should Anyone Buy from You? BUY NOW